Monday, August 6, 2012

Too much is vying for our attention. We miss, overlook, fail to see. Or to hear-smell-
taste-feel. Each of us wants to be someone on whom nothing is lost, but we all know we
aren’t. Assailed by What’s Happening each day. we go into a crouch, put our hands over
our heads, and think oh please, don’t tell me!—don’t ask me to be aware of yet more stuff
I don’t know about…I just can’t absorb anything else!

Social media, news websites, and blogs: they’re a swamp, making us feel like we’re
going glug-glug-glug into quicksand… Or they’re a particle collider, making us feel like
atoms being smashed at absurdly high speeds. We’re stuck in/to/with them, in any case!
With all these words saturating the info-cloud and then raining down on our heads…

I wonder if a Slow Blog movement might do something analogous to the slow-food
movement: put writers and readers more deeply in touch with the pleasures of language
and the challenges of narrating—both of which take time and solitude to appreciate. So
here’s what I’ll lob into this “Wanderings” blog: stuff for you to ingest at your leisure.
If you like, cook up something of your own and leave it on the table for the next person
who meanders here. It’s good to make and eat word-meals by yourself, and even better
to share such food with others. And to make the feast moveable—to shift mental and
physical locales, to relish rather than fear now what…?

I look forward to hearing from fellow foragers.

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